Friday, September 11, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit

Thursday night 14 young college women gathered in my apartment for our first Bible study of the year! We went around the room and introduced ourselves saying our name, where we are from, our year, what we are studying, and a little interesting fact about us. There really wasn't anything too special about the introduction, but it was neat to see that God has brought such a unique group together!

I offered a few areas that I thought may be of interest to study this semester and as a group we have decided to study the fruits of the spirit in Galations 5:22 and relate it to our walk as Christians. While we were discussing topics, God also put on many girls hearts the desire to study the bible for guidance and direction in how we can share our faith. We know that we are to emulate God's love as christians and share the hope we have in Him, but often it is a struggle. So, we now have a starting spot for where God will lead us and my prayer is that we can grow in recognizing the fruits of the spirit and how we can use them to share God's father-heart for the world.

While I was looking for some topics and ideas for the bible study I stumbled upon this youtube video. I enjoyed watching it and made me reevaluate what parts of my life I invite God into while I am at school. Just thought I would share it. : )

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