Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Wisconsin

Please let me introduce you to my beautiful friend, Brooke. We met at the first Campus Crusade for Christ meeting this year. She is also from Wisconsin and transfered to Point Park University after completing a year at Madison. I think we both teared up a bit when we exchanged phone numbers and had the same area code. Being far from home has never been something that bothered me too much but having someone who also says "bubbler" for water fountain, correctly pronounces words like bag and tag, knows and like cheese curds, and also LOVES the Packers brings a little bit of comfort.

As much as I love the Wisconsin pride that Brooke and I can bond over, it's her heart constantly seeking to bring glory to God that really makes me cherish our relationship. For the past year, I've been able to meet with her and hear how she is learning more about God and being challenged to live her life for Him. She has such an intense curiosity to understand the gospel's depth and constantly challenges me with her questions and hunger for more. I'm in awe of how she understands Jesus' command in Matthew 22:37-40 that says, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." Despite being new to our CRU movement this year, Brooke jumped right in and reached out to everyone around her, friend or stranger, and loved them equally. She has an authentic love for people that I think reflects Jesus to every person she encounters.

Part of the journey I was blessed to walk out with Brooke this past year, was making a decision to attend a summer project with CRU. There were lots of ups and downs-- uncertainty about where to go, if she should go, and how it would all come together. I saw her question the world telling her getting money was the most important goal of a summer and then confidently decide that growing in her faith and serving God was going to be her goal. She took a step of faith and yesterday, I got to hear an incredible story of how God has been faithful to encourage and provide for her! I am so confident that she will grow to be a unstoppable leader this summer and return to be an encouragement to students on her campus so they too can place their trust in Jesus. And I am excited to be blessed enough to continue to work with her and see how God uses her! You can keep her in your prayers this summer and follow her blog here too.

1 comment:

  1. Laura - This is Brooke's mom who is wiping tears of gratefulness that God has chosen you as Brooke's discipler. What a blessing from God that you young ladies from Wisconsin continue to serve Him. Look forward to meeting with you to discuss your internship.

    Bless you -

    Mrs. Wheeler
